Pursuant to Sections 27 and 28 of the Gambling Prevention Act, CAP. 9:02, (As amended by the Gambling Prevention (Amendment) Act No. 5 of 2007), an individual or company that proposes to establish and operate a Casino in Guyana must first obtain a Casino Premises License and a Casino Operating License from the Gaming Authority.
The Act permits the Gaming Authority to issue a License to an applicant, an associate of an applicant or licensee who qualify under the fit and proper criteria set out and described under subsection 1(a) to (e) of section 29A
In determining whether an applicant is “fit and proper” to hold a gaming license, the Gaming Authority will consider all relevant factors including but not limited to:
Whether the applicant has been bankrupt or entered into a composition with creditors;
Whether the applicant has been the subject of any proceedings of a disciplinary or criminal nature or has been notified of any pending proceedings or investigation which may lead to conviction in any jurisdiction;
Whether the applicant has at any time been arrested, charged or convicted of any offence including violence, corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing or drug related offences, or is being subject to any pending related proceedings in any jurisdiction;
Whether the applicant has any judgment, specifically, that associated with fraud, misrepresentation or dishonesty, been entered against the relevant person in any civil proceeding or is a party to any pending proceeding which may lead to such a judgment in any jurisdiction;
Whether the applicant has accepted civil liability for fraud or misrepresentation in any jurisdiction;
Whether the applicant has engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise has a history of improper behavior that would cause the applicant to be unsuitable to hold a gaming license.